When we were in Guinea, most women wore traditional African dress. The fabric is beautiful, with intricate patterns. Women buy fabrics at the market, which are sold in 5-6 yard pieces. That's about the amount needed for a dress, including a headscarf. They take it to a tailor, who sews a custom made dress.
In Congo, in was similar in that women wore the traditional dress, but the fabric was different. The prints were larger, and featured modern prints, like electric fans, high heel shoes, or even computer sticks as part of the fabric's pattern.
Here, in Cameroon, I was surprised to see little in the way of traditional dresses. Most of the women wear very modern dresses, which are made with African style prints and fabrics.
Here on the ship, we had an African fashion show where the crew got to show off their African fabrics and styles.
And a blog about African fabric would not be complete without a picture of Crazy Scrubs Friday on the ship!
That's fun. Thank you for sharing :)