Saturday, February 15, 2014

It's the same, but different!

Our first week back on the ship has been very full.  It's been wonderful to reconnect with friends, and to meet new friends.  The cabin looks different, the port is in a different country, but everything feels strangely the same.  It some ways it's like we've never left.  We were eating breakfast with a nurse this morning, and I thought I recognized her from last year.  As we were talking, I realized that I met her earlier this week-time is blurred together and it feels strange.

Work has been busy for both of us.  There were two shipping containers delivered this week,(one from Texas and one from Holland) and the wards were full.  Both made Chuck's job very busy.  But he is  working with great people.  In fact, he trained  Scott before we left last year, and Scott is now his boss!

In the lab, I am happy to be working with the same people from last year.  Claudia is still here, and Michelle also just came back.  We just slid back into the same routines.  We've had two patients with sickle cell disease. One is a  beautiful 18 yr old girl whose surgery has been postponed so she can be transfused.
We have a little boy with HIV whose surgery is on hold- it made for a busy week.

Chuck singing with the men's group
As you can see, Chuck has already performed with the men for Valentine's Day at the ice cream social after the weekly crew meeting.

We've watched some of the Olympics with our international crew.  Canada seems to win a lot- or is it just the Canadians who keep marching around with their flag?

We took a walk out of the port to the beach this morning.  I'm never as hot as I am in Africa!

I love seeing the children on board- they've changed- they're a year older.  In fact, there's a birthday party going on right now upstairs, complete with pinata.

Yes, life is good on the Africa Mercy.  We're glad to be back.


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