Monday, March 4, 2013

Signs of the Times

Signs are all around us.  They communicate information -some useful, some less than useful.
I thought I would share some of the signs around the Africa Mercy.

Temporary signs like this one are common everywhere.  Everyone enjoys birthdays and balloons!


The  sign below changes daily.  It communicates  security information and provides updates about what might be happening in Guinea.  We get our updates from Captain Tim whenever there is a situation happening in the country or city and what areas to avoid.  There are always good reminders to keep us safe.

One of my favorite signs is in the reception area.  It explains the model for Mercy Ships.
It's a reminder of why we are here.

  Living on a ship has its own unique signs. If there is every an evacuation when the ship is at sea, these signs lead to the assembly areas and to the lifeboats. They show how to get to the stairs leading to the top deck and the assembly areas.  I find these useful to know what direction to turn to find the next set of stairs up to the top deck.

Then there are the signs that tell you where you are, or how to get where you want to go.
The kids who live on ship go to school at the Academy.  They leave their cabin with their backpack full of books to walk down the hall to school.

The world map sign above shows the home countries of the students from the Academy.  Some of the children have parents from different countries and are officially  from two countries.  Some are from countries they have never lived in!

Historical signs are also found on this ship that was originally a train ferry in Scandinavia.

Open and Closed signs are found everywhere in the world. Somehow this sign was funny to me.  Something is just not right about the hospitality office being closed!  They even seem to be smiling and happy about the closed office!

In different places you will see scripture verses on the walls. I found this one in an outpatient treatment room.  It's a good reminder for every day.


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