Saturday, October 20, 2012

Working on the Africa Mercy

Well, we've finished our first full week on the job!  We're learning the routine, and the not-so-routine.

Chuck spends a lot of time in the patient wards, checking and stocking supplies.

Here are some great pictures from the wards.

The wards are pretty crowded, as you can see in the picture below.
There are mats under the beds for the families of the patients.
Chuck was in the ward when something got dropped.
He was surprised when a hand returned it from under a bed!

Here are two of the guys that Chuck work with- Ben from the US and Titus from Liberia.

Here is Chuck ready for work.  He gets to wear the hat and little booties when he delivers supplies to the operating room.

Last week, Chuck got to shake hands with the president of Guinea.  This week, I got to shake hands with the president's wife when she toured the lab.


1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Debbie and Chuck! So good to see some photos of your new digs! It's a gray, rainy day here in Rochester after some beautiful fall colors and sunshine yesterday. You both are in our thoughts and prayers as you're living, working, and learning the ropes on your mission with Mercy Ships. I'd love to hear about some of the surgeries and interesting medical stories you are able to share. Please keep the posts coming! Love, Anne Hartsough
